Per the governor’s orders, we will not be having services until April 5 if possible. Watch our web-page for updates.
What a week this has been! With all the closures and new details being revealed almost on a daily basis about the COVD-19 virus, what is the church to do? Is God talking to us? Is He talking to His church? the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:9, that God is long suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Is God trying to get the attention of the world? I believe He is, but is the world listening? At the same time I believe the Lord is testing His church. Are we people of faith or fear? 2 Timothy 1:7 says, For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. Do we really trust the Lord to carry us through this time of uncertainty? Do we really believe God is in total control? Do we really believe that God is sovereign? A. W. Tozer wrote: When it looks like things are out of control behind the scenes there is a God who hasn’t surrendered His authority. I believe this is a time for the church to reach out in generosity. Instead of hoarding what we have, why not share with those who have little or nothing at all. Not only those within our churches, but with our neighbors, coworkers, and others in need. Instead of running to the stores and stock piling things we really don’t need at the time, perhaps offer to go to the stores for those who cannot get there themselves. This is the time for the true church of God to minister outside the walls of their churches. To show their community that they really do care about them. Stop by the home of the elderly and check up on them. Call them on the phone or text them to make sure they are OK. Even though we cannot gather as a body of Christ, let’s reach out as never before for the glory of God. We do not know just how long this journey will be, but may we grow in our faith and in our love for others.