In 1 Corinthians 6:19 the apostle Paul wrote these words to the believers: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you. Whom you have from God?”
Why was he telling them that? The answer is because the Corinthians believers were doing things with their bodies that were an embarrassment to the Holy Spirit. They were living lives divorced from the awareness of God’s holy presence within them.
Perhaps you’ve found yourselves at certain crossroads recently where you didn’t know whether you should go to a certain place or participate in a certain activity because you are a Christian. The fact is, where you go, the Holy Spirit goes with you. So before you go anywhere, you’d better ask Him if He want to go. And whatever He tells you, do it.
Many Christians don’t even think about that. They just drag the Holy Spirit everywhere, into all kinds of things that are dishonoring to His first name, which is Holy.
The Holy Spirit permanently indwells you as a blood bought believer. If you grasp that concept, it could have a life-changing impact on you. He is there. He is in you. He will never leave you.