Do you find it hard to forgive? God has a process for forgiveness that I would like to share with you today.
The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 103:12, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”
An unforgiving spirit is a malignancy in a person’s soul that spreads like cancer. Yet the Father offers a sure healing process for the heart that is consumed with bitterness. Let me share with you four “R’s” that will help.
REPENTANCE: Assume responsibility for your unforgiving spirit and ask God to pardon you for your resentment. You must also forgive the person who offended you.
RELEASE: Forgo any expectation you have of restitutions, even if you feel the person owes you something.
RECOGNITION: Acknowledge that the person’s wrongdoing toward you was not just hurtful or offensive, but that the behavior ultimately grieved God. The Lord is the One who will judge the offense and you can trust Him to vindicate you.
REMEMBRANCE: Recall how often God forgives you.
You cannot truly experience the joy of God’s forgiveness until you follow His
model and pardon those who’ve wronged you. Do not allow the cancer of bitterness to continue in your heart. Life is much sweeter when the heart is tender and not tainted.
Prayer thought: “Lord Jesus, thank You for Your gift of forgiveness. Help me always to extend it to others, amen.”
So today, seek to have a tender, forgiving heart.