Daily Devotions

Our verse for today is Job 2:10. “But he said unto her, Thou speaketh as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.”
When you are faced with a big disappointment, do you get angry and blame God for letting you down?
When Job went through his intense time of suffering, Satan used Job’s wife to stir up his despair and bitterness. But the godly man would not listen. Job”s response to her and toward the extreme heartache he was experiencing was amazing trust in the Lord. And because of his humble and submissive attitude, God honored Job greatly (read Job 42:10-17).
Likewise, the way you respond to disappointment is extremely important. Do not listen when the enemy tells you you’re not worth anything or that God doesn’t love you anymore. Your merciful Heavenly Father may actually be saving you from ruining your life. It may well be that the Lord, in His loving plan, has stopped a particular situation to keep you from destruction and what seems a set back is actually His rescue.
So when trials occur, react like Job. Honor God, and ask Him to make clear whatever He is teaching you.
Prayer thought: “Father, what do I need to learn from this? Give me peace, in spite of my pain, amen.”
For today, accept disappointments with a new perspective.