Daily Devotions

In the gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 27 we read, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
At times, seeking the Lord’s direction about a decision can seem like a drawn-out-process. We can become frustrated and confused, and wonder how much we can know for certain that we’re hearing God’s voice.
As believers who walk in the Spirit, it should be easy for us to distinguish whether the voice we hear is of the Lord, the flesh, or the devil himself – right? Yet understand, your Shepherd is constantly teaching you how to recognize when He calls to you. Whether you’ve been with Him for many years or you are just learning His ways, you can take heart because your tenderhearted Shepherd calls out to you in a way that you can recognize His voice.
However, since Scripture teaches that all believers, young and old, should clearly be able to discern the voice of God, it’s important for you to stop talking at times and just listen to Him. Grow still and quiet. Open His Word and learn to identify how He speaks. You will, eventually, recognize His voice and know exactly what to do.
Prayer thought: “Heavenly Father, as I talk with You, remind me to stop and simply listen. I want to hear Your voice above all others, amen.”
Learn to be still and practice the discipline of listening to God.