Daily Devotions

Life is full of all kinds of storms. But with God on our side we can weather the storms.
The Psalmist, in Psalm 107:29 wrote, “He maketh the the storm calm, so the waves there of are still.”
Perhaps you remember the account in the Gospels about Jesus and the disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 8:23-27)? A fierce storm arose, and the disciples were certain they were about to perish. The disciples learned a great lesson that day, one that could only be taught in a storm, not in a classroom. Jesus had gone to the back of the boat to take a nap, and a huge storm blew up. Their fear is most evident in Luke’s account: “Master, Master, we are perishing!” (8:24). It would appear they didn’t make the connection immediately that riding in the boat with them was the One who created the wind and the waves. Perhaps it didn’t click with them, and that’s why they woke Jesus up and we’re chastised by Him for their “little faith.”
But we can understand how they felt because it’s how we feel when the storms of our lives come up. We forget that we know the very One who allowed the storm in the first place and that He can cause it to stop or see us through it.
So today, if you’re going through a storm, trust Jesus to see you through it. He is the One who can calm the storm!