Daily Devotions

We read in Luke 14:23, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
I share this thought purely as an illustration, suppose the Lord Jesus told you that you have just one year left to live on earth. Do you think He would then tell you to spend your time stockpiling food? I would hardly think so! Instead, I think He would say something like, “ Friend, you’ve got one year left to go up and down the highways and the byways and the corridors of this land with the gospel of Jesus Christ, sharing Him as you have never done before. Sell everything you’ve got to buy tracts and other literature, and get it to those who don’t know Jesus. Give everything you have so that by the time I come back at the end of this year, you will have touched every human being you could possibly touch with the message of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.”
Now, it’s not my task or purpose to make you or anyone else feel guilty. Every one of us knows we could be doing a better job of telling other people about our Lord. I’m not suggesting or even taking about buttonholing people and being obnoxious. That’s not what we are supposed to do. I’m just talking about starting every day by praying something like this, “Lord, today I’m going to live for You. If You bring someone across my path who needs You, help me to sense Your Spirit moving me to share the gospel with
them and not be afraid or ashamed to do the right thing.”
Today, focus on being a light for Jesus in a dark world.