Daily Devotions

Think about this phrase: “ One day at a time.”
Jesus said in Matthew 6:11, “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Most days I try to pray, “Father, I want Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Please meet my needs today.”
To trust God daily presupposes that you talk to Him daily. Praying week to week is not in the Lord’s Prayer. The challenges of life that we face come on a daily basis, not weekly. If we are going to remain free of worry, we have to pray and trust God daily.
It’s not wrong to think about tomorrow, to plan for tomorrow, or to make provision for tomorrow. It’s just wrong to worry about tomorrow. I truly believe God expects me to plan as if it all depends on me but pray as if it all depends on Him.
The only way we get through crises with our kids or our grandkids is one day at a time. The only way we get through sickness is one day at a time. The only way we get through times of financial stress is one day at a time. Why? Because God has ordained that life moves at the pace of one day at a time. All He wants us to do is be in step with Him – to trust Him one day at a time, today and everyday.
So today, trust God one day at a time.