Daily Devotions

Our devotional for today is from Dr. David Jeremiah’s devotional book titled, “Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God.”
Love’s Power. 1 Corinthians 13:7: “Love bears all things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures all things.”
Love hopes all things. Love that hopes has a confident expectation. It is a definite, persistent, absolute truth. There is no situation that divine love within us cannot face with full hope. That’s what love is all about. Love hopes.
Hope is not refusing to face the truth. Hope is having confidence in God to see you through each difficult trial. Jesus was always the epitome of truth, but He never failed to bring hope to others. When He met the woman taken in adultry. He inspired her to hope again. When He met the thief on the cross, Jesus made sure that man left this life with hope. He told the story about the lost coin that was found, and the lost son who came home, and the lost sheep that was found. Over and over again, what Jesus said in His messages was, “There’s hope!” Though He was mocked, disbelieved, and crucified, He never doubted the glory that was yet to be, and He endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. He had hope.
Love hangs on with the tenacity when other hands let go in despair. To hope when faith has been disappointed is a greater thing than to have believed the sure thing. Love hopes all things.