Daily Devotions

Proverbs 15:9 reads, “The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he loves him that follows after righteousness.”
For you, perhaps the wound is old. Maybe a parent abused you. Maybe a teacher slighted you. Maybe it was a mate that was unfaithful to your wedding vows…And you are down right angry!
Or perhaps the wound is fresh. The friend who owes you money, and has forgotten all about it, just drove past your house in a brand new vehicle. Or maybe the boss who hired you with promises of promotions has forgotten how even to pronounce your name. And you are hurt.
Part of you is broken, and the other part is bitter. Part of you wants to cry, and part of you wants to fight. There is a fire burning in your heart. It’s the fire of anger.
And you are left with a decision. “Do I put the fire out or do I heat it up? Do I get over it, or do I get even? Do I release it, or do I resent it? Do I let my hurts heal, or do I let those hurts turn to hate?”
Unfaithfulness is wrong. Revenge is bad. But the worse part of all is that, without forgiveness, bitterness is all that’s left.
Prayer thought: “Father, help me to respond to my hurts as You would. Help my to forgive and forget the wrongs done to me, amen.”
For today focus on how much God has forgiven you the hurt your sins caused Him.