Just how secure do you feel today? In light of the current situation we find ourselves in, do you trust God to be your security? Do you keep your eyes on Him instead of the world’s situation – the country’s mounting debt, the increasing political and spiritual division among people, or the COVID-19 Virus that is growing every day?
Malachi 3:6 reminds us, “I am the LORD, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed.”
If you take your eyes off God and focus on what’s happening in the world, you’ll find plenty to be insecure and anxious about. The earth is in upheaval for sure. The painful signs of the end of the age as we know it seems to be coming faster and faster.
But we need not fear or be anxious. But rather we can and should be secure in the knowledge that we are anchored to our unchanging, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God – the Sovereign of the universe. He knows our hearts, what we need, and the challenges we face in life. And He is in ultimate control.
My friend, we may not be able to change the world, but we can trust the Father to guide us and help us make the right decisions in our relationships, our finances, and in all other areas of life. So no matter what life throws at us today, trust God completely. He alone sees the future and will keep you absolutely secure as you walk in the center of His perfect will.
Prayer thought: “Father God, thank You for being my unshakable security in this troubled world, amen.”
Today may your focus be to trust God for your security.