Listen to what God said to Moses in Exodus 3:12; “And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve (worship) God upon this mountain.”
God reveals Himself to you in specific ways that are important for your journey through life. For example, when the Lord spoke through the burning bush, He was powerfully demonstrating that Moses would not be destroyed before Pharaoh and that His supernatural presence and provision would be with Israel in the wilderness (Exodus 3). Did God divulge the whole plan to Moses? No. But He disclosed enough that Moses could trust God’s character, step out in faith, and obey Him.
Likewise, God reveals Himself to you in the manner you need, through prayer, Scripture, and the circumstances that touch your life at the time. In fact, the situation you face at this very moment is the perfect training ground for you. And if you’ll make a conscious decision to listen for God’s council, you’ll be absolutely amazed at what He reveals to you through it.
Your Protector, Provider, Great Physician, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, and King wants to make Himself known to you. Let Him! And step forward in faith.
Prayer thought: “Lord Jesus, thank You for being exactly what I need and revealing what is truly important for me to know, amen.”